Move-Up vs. Second Home: Which One Is Right For You?
If you're feeling cramped in your current space, you've probably considered a move. But what type of home would suit you best? A move-up home or a second home? For many South residents, the answer may be different today than it was just months ago. Why? Because the pandemic has changed the way many of us live, work, and attend school—and for many, those changes have shifted the priorities when it comes to choosing a home. According to a recent survey by The Harris Poll, 75% of respondents who have begun working remotely during the pandemic would like to continue doing so—and interestingly, 66% would consider moving if they no longer had to commute as often. Some of the top reasons people considering a move were to gain a dedicated office space (31%), enjoy a larger home (30%) and have more rooms overall (29%). 1 It's no wonder space has become. a major concern. Online school has become a reality for families everywhere - including here in the South Bay - ...
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